TacSource Blog

  • Gloves That Fit Like A Glove - 5.11 Station Grip Gloves.

    I would be surprised if you found me a cheaper, longer lasting, more comfortable and durable everyday glove than the 5.11 Tactical Station Grip Gloves. They're a steal at only $29.90. Before writing this blog our aim was to put...

  • A Jacket You Can Wear Anywhere! The Pentagon Artaxes Jacket...

    I've heard it too many times - "you have too many jacket" (mainly from my wife). My attempts to explain to her the reasoning behind the amount of jackets I own always falls on deaf ears. There is a jacket...

  • 5.11 Tactical APEX Pants - What's the fuss?

    Whats all the fuss about the 5.11 Tactical APEX Pants? 5.11 Tactical, in our opinion, have reinvented the tactical pant with the APEX Pants, which takes comfort, durability and covert features to a whole new level. Working with top operators...

  • Our Top 10 Training Quotes to Motivate You!

    From Socrates to the US Navy Seals, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Rocky Balboa, Bruce Lee, Lance Armstrong, Maurice Green, Rich Froning and Nike Co-Founder Bill Bowerman! Here is our list of our top 10 favourite training quotes: 10. "No citizen has a...

  • Top Five 5.11 Tactical Summer Essentials

    Here's the scenario - it's summer, you're into fitness, the outdoors and may even been an active serving member of the Australian Army or an active service police officer.  Here's the question - What 5 items do I need to...